Designed by Eric Lang - the creator of the first two entries in the series, the Viking-themed Blood Rage and Rising Sun, based in the Edo era of Japanese history – Ankh is also inspired by Ancient Egypt, enabling players to take the role of rival deities attempting to remain relevant in the face of a crumbling empire and the rise of monotheism. The storyline is solid - a group of mismatched heroes accidentally awaken an evil mummy and must defeat it - the jokes are funny and the performances from the likes of Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz are fantastic.Ī similar statement can be applied to the third entry in CMON’s unofficial ‘mythic trilogy’ of board games, Ankh: Gods of Egypt. But at its core it’s a film that oozes charm and a lot of heart. In the same vein as the classics that birthed the blockbuster genre – such as Jurassic Park and Jaws – The Mummy may initially come across as a brainless spectacle that only deals in (surprisingly well-aged) CGI effects and quips.
1999’s The Mummy continues to be one of the best blockbuster films ever made.